The history of equestrian sport and how they have evolved is incredible. The sheer number and types of equestrian sport are staggering, and we love to share the stories behind their humble or exciting beginnings. There is such a rich story to each sport and a reason as to why they have lasted hundreds of years.
With Valentines Day right around the corner, we have the perfect gift idea for your loved ones. Come take a beautiful and romantic trail ride with us for a unique and memorable day for everyone you love! On the topic of love, we wanted to get back to celebrating the amazing equestrian sports that we love sharing with you. In our last blog, we talked about both the original and newest forms of horse pulling equestrian sport. We researched and found a few more sports just like it that we thought you would enjoy as much as we did! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride! Horse Pulling
Combined Driving
How inspiring are these sports? The agility, power, and skill you need as a driver is incredible. The dedication to learning each of these sports goes deeper than just practice. Have these horse pulling sports inspired you too? We can help you with that! Come visit us and take a ride, even if it's not for Valentine's day. We are happy to share your love and interest in equine sports and horses alike! |
AuthorMiddleton Place Team Archives
December 2020